Jasper Jones Excursion

VCE Theatre

‘Jasper Jones’, by the Melbourne Theatre Company is dubbed as Australia’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’, and Staughton’s Year 11 and Year 12 Theatre Studies students had the opportunity to see it thanks to the Support of the MTC Sharing the Light program.


On August 4th, we all piled on to a coach and went into the city to see the ‘Jasper Jones’ performance at the Southbank Theatre.


What an experience! Everything from the lighting, set, direction, and of course the acting, was of very high caliber. Kate Mulvany did the adaptation from the novel by Craig Silvey beautifully, and considering the play does handle some very tough themes, the experience was one I was glad I did not miss. ‘Jasper Jones’, is perhaps my favourite performance I’ve seen all year, and I have seen quite a few as part of my Melbourne Theatre Company Ambassador Program.


As an Ambassador, myself and fourteen other theatre and drama lovers go and see a performance every month with the MTC. We get the chance to meet members of the theatre community, and expand our love for the performing arts and every aspect involved.


I’m so appreciative of Miss Farrugia, for wanting to nominate me and I can’t thank her, and the MTC enough for the opportunity. The Melbourne Theatre Company gives theatre goers and students the opportunity to see professional performances, and as a student, it’s one of the greatest things. I’m looking forward to what the rest of the year will bring in regards to the program, and the rest of my performing arts involvement at Staughton College and afterwards.



