Achieve 2B

Tutukitia - Kia Mauri Ora
Achieve 2B is an inspiring intercultural programme for young people with disabilities. Facilitating National and International Exchanges. Achieve 2B is a New Zealand based Registered Charitable Trust.
In term 2, 2017 Achieve had its’ first ever New Zealand student go International. Dennon Mc Queen, a Maori boy with a mild intellectual disability from Whangarei was our Inaugural student to come to Melbourne and attend Fairhills High School. Dennon was hosted by the Interchange Outer East community. He attended Fairhills High School for a whole term & while attending Fairhills High School Dennon made lots of friends that will hopefully turn into life time friendships. Dennon learnt what it is like to be independent and form his own opinions. Dennon thoroughly enjoyed his time at Fairhills and is grateful that he was welcomed.
Achieve 2B is so very grateful for the partnership in this project that Fairhills entered into. Especially as we navigated unchartered waters. We look forward to our continued relationship with Fairhills High School and look forward to a Faihills High School student coming to New Zealand in the future.
Amal Saleh-Zada
Integration Coordinator