Keep on Connecting

On Tuesday 21st we had a wonderful prayer time together with parents via ZOOM.
All parents and SACC staff are welcome to join in this time of prayer and fellowship.
We’ll do it again next Tuesday at 8pm – 8:40pm. Please look out for an email from the College with the Zoom link next week to join us.
Praise be to the Lord, for He has heard my cry for mercy.
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in Him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to Him in song. - Psalm 28:6-7
Catriona Wansbrough
It is our aim to keep the College thriving during this unusual time. The ‘College’ is community – students, staff and all their families - and the way we thrive is to keep Jesus as our focus and the reason for why we exist as a College.
As you're aware our 3 key AIMS for this term are:
- Keep our students learning
- Keep connected
- Keep caring
School looks really different at the moment, but be assured our staff are working harder than ever to deliver quality learning to all our students. Our staff care about your child/ren so we are constantly developing processes of ways to keep connecting with and caring for every student.
Likewise, we care about you - our College parents/families! We want to make sure there are processes for you to keep connecting with other parents. When there's lots to consider at the moment please do not let slip the small yet important interactions between one another. Parenting school aged child/ren comes with a variety of daily challenges and joys and sharing these moments with other parents is an important part of our community and doing life.
St Andrews is aware that those little chats at school drop off and around the College grounds aren't happening this term. We recognise the importance of connectivity for our parents. Yes, we're sure you all can keep in touch by means of social media and personal phone calls, however we'd love to encourage you to get creative, just as we can see our children do each day in their schooling.
Perhaps you'd like to be connected over a Zoom chat with other like-minded SACC parents? Maybe you just need to tell the someone the awesome hack you've discovered for your child to do Continuous Online Learning from your home, or maybe you're desperate for this hack, for some parent inspired tips to make things run more smoothly.
If you would like to connect for a SACC parents catch up or desire a central place to message one-another please let me know of your interest or ideas via email ( and I hope to soon provide a connection platform for parent-to-parent communications during Term 2.
God Bless,
Susan de Kretser
Marketing and Communications Coordinator
While we wait at home for things to ease and long to once again be able to build on our relationships with friends and wider families in person, the use of online social connectivity has become the go to means of keeping in touch. Just have a look at how many Zoom snaps have appeared in this very newsletter!
One way to get creative and pass time, all while showing our love and care for others, is to take the time to send some mail to a friend in the post. There's nothing quite like the surprise and joy of finding a handwritten envelope and message in the letterbox. This immediately shows someone cares and has thought of you!
You could practice your hand-writing skills, develop your poem prowess, draw a quirky comic strip or paint a masterpiece. Send a photo, a card or an encouraging Bible verse. Perhaps share what you can't wait to do together when you're allowed to meet up again.
Recently my son & I used some large paper to trace his outline with arms outstretched, painted and decorated it and then mailed his cousins each a life sized Charlie hug. If you miss hanging out with your school friends each day why not send them a snail mail hug?
There are many ways to reach out using mail and show how much we care for others, the options are endless. So grab yourself some paper and send some snail mail!
Susan de Kretser
Marketing and Communications
Despite not being able to come together physically, our Junior School Captains made the time to meet up via Zoom and keep connected.
From the Sustainability Desk...
It seems most of you are missing not having our sustainability meetings. The nature of our meetings have been looking after our College and taking various steps to improve the way we dispose our waste and keep our college clean.
While we are doing Continuous Online Learning in Term 2, I am thinking if we could all meet every second Friday starting on 24th April around 12:30 pm only if it doesn't disturb any of your timetabled classes.
Please let me know what you think of this plan and I will forward each member a ZOOM invite via an email. Hope you are still doing your best as the sustainability person at home. Louis Sun has discovered something about recycling batteries that he would like to share with the whole group - so let's connect!
God bless you all,
Mr Fernandes