School Counsellor

Week 4!

Dear all,

I hope the term is treating you all gently so far, and that there is a sense of optimism and joy for the year ahead!


I want to share some thoughts, from one parent to another, about school routines.


If, like me, you spent January thinking that 2020 is going to be different, more organised, shinier and have better routines for your kids, you are certainly not alone. January can be a great time for new year resolutions that often serve as self-imposed guilt-trips.


There is tonnes of advice out there about getting your kids to bed on time; feeding them vegetables; turning off screens; avoiding sugar. These are all things you know well and hear all the time. So, I am not about to preach any further. What I will say, is to pick your battles and work on the things that matter to you, by getting in touch with what you value….


So, as a parent or carer, what do you value when you think about the child you are raising?

  • Nutrition
  • Sleep, rest
  • Mental health
  • Education
  • Sporting achievement
  • Punctuality, being organised
  • Development of social skills
  • Respect for rules
  • Family time
  • Spending time in nature
  • Laughter

I’ve never met a person that can master ALL of these things. It’s not actually possible, but perhaps at the end of the year when we reflect on 2020, we can know that we spent time working towards our values.


Also, I am attaching an e-safety training session which is perfect for mums and parents of teenage daughters. It is essential learning!


Emily Bieber, Counsellor or 9876 3289, available Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.