From the Assistant Principal 

From Mrs Hopkins' office....

This year, as part of our continuing Strategic Plan, one area we are focussing on is Wellbeing. As adults, we know that it is trickier to learn a new skill, or indeed listen to another person's point of view - when we are feeling anxious, lonely, upset or angry. Similarly, our children find it easier to learn when they feel safe, connected and like they belong.


This year we have made steps to increasing the resources we offer around Student Wellbeing and Welfare.  I would love to hear your feedback during the year. 


School Counsellor: this year we have increased Emily's hours so that she is at school Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Referrals or requests for counselling can be directed to me (Lauren Hopkins). 


KidsHope: Mrs Jo Ross will continue to coordinate our Kids Hope program. Kids Hope is run by volunteers through one-to-one mentoring, provides a warm connection for that child with a trusted adult.


Student Welfare: This year Karen Klewer will be dedicating 90 minutes per week to connecting with students who are in need of a friend. Karen might complete some school work with a student, or simply play a friendly game of Connect 4 or Uno. Through this addition, we are continuing to strive to increase our students' feeling of connectedness at school. 


Kalinda Crews: Our Kalinda Crews started last week and we were thrilled to see the program start with such success. The purpose of the Kalinda Crews program is to develop and maintain positive teacher-student and student-student relationships across the school. 


Lunchtime Clubs: Many of our wonderful staff have volunteered to share an area of passion and offer out of playground opportunities for students at lunchtime. Some of these opportunities are invite only, and others are open to all students. 

Monday - Senior Choir with Mrs Butler


Wednesday - Skipping Club in the stadium with Miss Swingler

Thursday - TinkerLab (invite only) with Mr Booth.

Friday - Mindfulness, yoga, quiet time- with Emily 

Every day - Our library is open and supervised every lunchtime 1.10-1.35pm for students to read, draw, relax or play chess. 

Every day - our 'world famous'* Highland Dancing program will continue with Cheryl

(* certainly famous in our world!) 


Mr Todd will also be running a Senior Rock Band - stay tuned for details! 


We are kind. We are resilient. We are respectful.