Star Students of the fortnight

Star Students for the Fortnight
Junior Years
Mr Enright:
Wol Madam for communicating with his teacher and peers.
Well done Wol!
Willow Kelly for a fantastic watercolour painting of a Giraffe.
Well done Artist Willow!
Miss Turk:
Jack Wright for his awesome attitude and effort at school.
Keep up the wonderful work, Jack!
Snow Peatling for doing a wonderful job with her reading.
Keep up the great work, Snow!
Mrs Weber:
Gabriella Bisimwa - for creating an eye-catching watercolour zebra. It looks amazing Gabby!
Sayul Fernando - for being focussed during our recent work on addition and subtraction during maths. Great work Sayul!
Mr Morrison:
Surkhab Cheema for continuing to improve her reading skills and letter knowledge. Fantastic work Surkhab!!
Ariana Espagne for continuing her great start to the year and
making excellent progress with her reading.
Keep it up Ariana !!
Miss Finn:
Yurri Atkinson-Briggs for focussing on solving the subtraction problems correctly.
Well done Yurri!
Ali Bakhsh for creating excellent clues in his 'Who Am I'? writing.
Keep it up Ali!
Mr Maskell:
Alexander Ralston for being a good classmate to his peers and
challenging himself in his learning.
Adut Wundit for improving her focus and resilience to learning.
Mr Andronaco:
Matty Atkinson for always having a positive attitude and completing his literacy books.
Sofia Marcus for attending school and doing her best during her literacy activities.
Great work Sofia!
Miss Sidebottom:
Levi Blackfor focusing on achieving his best work.
Keep up the great work Levi!
Ainsley Sargeant or her excellent participation and positive attitude that she brings to the classroom every day.
Middle Years
Mr O'Hara:
Nargas Ahmadi for her great research skills to add facts to her frog life cycle flipbook. Great work Nargas!
Mehakpreet Kaur for getting the fastest time on her 2 times tables.
You're a Superstar Mehakpreet!
Mr Secchi:
Louie Carrafa for his excellent resilience and growth he has shown in the classroom.
He has worked really hard at completing tasks independently and
sharing his positive attitude with the class.
He also created a wonderful flipbook about the lifecycle of a frog.
Well done, Louie!
Addisyn Maker for your enthusiasm and attentiveness during lessons, you contributed all of your thoughts and ideas during our reading lessons and helped full our class discussion - keep it up!
Mr Renato:
Navraj Singh for being able to complete his 4s timetables facts,
getting them all correct in under 10 minutes.
Well-Done Navraj.
Leon Maina for being able to complete his life cycle of a frog flip book independently and to a good standard.
Mrs Dainton:
Ben for being a fantastic leader in the classroom and for demonstrating high level skills and effort during our PE session.
Dane is a wonderful student who engages in all areas of the curriculum.
He helps all his class mates as well.
Mr Howley:
Dhyan for his informative and well organized report on his excursion to the Australian Botanic Gardens in Shepparton.
Triptnoor for her enthusiastic singing in our Assembly Prayer presentation.
She is happy, smiling and being fully involved.
Senior Years
Mr Beks:
Patrick Segrave for being a consistently well behaved, respectful and hard-working student who is achieving some great results.
Mr Lindon:
Ellia Black for consistently being a wonderful member of our classroom environment and always challenging herself academically.
Mr Iorianni:
Hudson Woods for his kindness in the classroom in putting the needs of
others first and always willing to help.
Mr Thompson:
Calvin Casayuran for completing excellent research in his inquiry of how
living things adapt to survive.
Jacob Hunter for always showing enthusiasm and creativity when
completing his learning tasks.
Miss Mangiameli
Shelby Kapperer for always volunteering to help and putting others
before herself in the classroom.
Keep up the good work!