Parents and Friends News

Dear families,


As we get closer to the end of the term the P&F invites you to come along to a Pizza Party on Wednesday, 21st June from 5pm-7pm at Casablanca Restaurant.  Save the date with further details to come soon.  This will be a fun night for the school community with pizza and party games!


We are also confirming details for a fun activity on the last day of term.


If you have any queries or suggestions please reach out to the P&F at





Parents and Friends Calendar of events – Term 2

Term 3 - more information to come

  • TBC - Parents Social Night Dinner
  • World Grandparents Day Celebration - Friday, 21st July 2023
  • Pie Drive with North End Bakehouse - August 2023
  • Father’s Day Stall - August 2023

Father’s Day Celebration - September 2023



Current events and fundraisers


SAVE THE DATE - Pizza Party

Wednesday, 21st June

Celebrate the last week of Term 2 by joining the school community for a Pizza Party.

It will be a fun, social night of pizza and party games.  More details to follow.


Date: Wednesday, 21st June 

Time: 5.00pm - 7.00pm

Location: Casablanca Pizza, 125 High Street Shepparton


Tickets will be for purchase via CDF Pay. 


Please contact the P&F with any questions: 



Review of events and fundraisers

Walk Safely to School Day 



Well done to families who made the effort to walk to school on 19th May.  It was a great way to start the morning.  


Well done to families who made the effort to walk to school on 19th May.   It was a great way to start the morning. The weather was a bit cold and wet to walk to school but consider opportunities to be active when you can.


Ongoing Fundraisers

IGA Community Rewards

Please find the below attachments to view full details of the IGA Rewards Program



My Name Label


Committee Updates & Information

Contact details for P&F

President:   Vacant

Secretary:   Jacklyn Lamb

Committee Members:  Katie Mills, Pat Goyne, Keira Peatling




Next P&F Meeting

The next meeting date will be held on Wednesday, 26th July 2023 from 2.15pm-3.15pm. The more input from the school community the better outcomes.


At this meeting we will plan details for Term 3 fundraisers and activities including World Grandparents Day Celebration, Pie Drive with North End Bakehouse, Father’s Day Stall and Father’s Day Celebration



Feel free to contact us if you have any questions/ suggestions -


Register to be a volunteer

If you have a few hours to spare during the year and would like to get involved in the school community please register your interest to be involved as a parent helper through the P&F.


You can register your interest via email

*Volunteer requirements*


Volunteers must hold a current Working With Children’s Check.  These details must be supplied to the school office to also be held confidentially. WWCC’s are free for volunteers, you can apply through the Working With Children Check Victoria website.


Business interest

Do you own/run a business, or know of a business, that may be interested in being involved in supporting the school community through fundraisers, sponsorship, in-kind support or at events?


Please contact the P&F by email to register your interest. We are very interested in working with our school community and building connections