Classroom News

Foundation Miss Bennett

The Foundation class have well and truly been getting stuck into Term 2! They have been busy getting their hands dirty with our new Inquiry Chemical Science unit, they had a play with kinetic sand and play-dough to see how they can manipulate things when they push, pull and scrunch them. 







They have also LOVED taking home the decodable readers and use these for our daily 'Fluency Pairs'. During fluency pairs the Foundies have been practicing using our 'stretchy snake' or 'choppers'. 








In religion, the Foundation students took a trip to the library to explore and see how many stories there are. This connected to our unit 'Our Special Book' as the Bible is full of stories, just like the library. 





In other exciting Foundation news Miss Bennett has just introduced the... FOUNDATION SUPER-HERO LEARNER cape!!! This cape will get worn by the 'Super-hero learner' of the week each Wednesday. The first winner of the cape was Mady. Mady won the cape because she has had a cracking start to Term 2, with demonstrating her letter knowledge in our Daily Review. 




Grade 1-2 Miss Hayes


During our Literacy bok we have been completing a text based unit on the book 'The Imagineer'. We would love to share some of our learning with you. 

Before reading the text we had to brainstorm all the words that we thought we might come across in the text. As a class we came up with as many responses as we could. We brainstormed words like: 

- created 

- stacking

- isn't working 

- imagination 

- drawing 

- unstacking

- falling 

- tools 


Another part of the unit that we have worked on is thinking about why the author wrote this book, the author's purpose. Below are some of our thoughts: 

Hudson & George - To Teach - so kids know to spend time outside instead of watching TV and playing on their iPads. 

Daphne - To Teach - teaching people that not everything works on the first go. 

Phoebe & Ryder - To Teach - If something doesn't work out keep trying until you get it right. 

Sydney & Addison - To Entertain - We think that maybe the author liked to build. 


The Resilience Project (TRP)  

This week in our TRP lesson we were learning about Empathy and our activity involved role playing. Using our finger puppets we had to act out didn't situations modelling Empathy. During our role playing we focused on asking questions like: 

"Are you okay?"

"Can I help you?" 

"Would you like to share with me?"  

 Grade 1-2 Miss Hart

This week in Grade 1-2 Hart we have been talking about what it means to be kind to others and what actions we can take to be more kind to those around us. When asked what kindness looks like to them, students said the following: 

Giving someone a compliment

Helping others

Being generous

Caring about others and how they are feeling.

A smile

A surprise

Raising money to donate


Asking someone if they want to play

Cheering people up when they are sad


Students were then asked to sit with their talking partner and exchange compliments. Here are a few examples of the beautiful words and comments we shared with one another:

Ben told me that I am a hard worker - Jaxon

Jaxon told me that I am a fast runner - Ben

Liam told me that I am smart - Stevie

Stevie told me that I am kind - Liam

Addie told me that I have a nice hairstyle today - Oonagh

Oonagh told me that it is fun to be friends with me - Addie

Sophie told me that I am generous and kind - Will

Will told me that I am helpful - Sophie

Will told me that I have nice hair today - Tom

Francis told me that I am looking beautiful today - Maddie

Maddie told me that I am friendly - Francis


Grade 3-4

In year 3/4 we have been learning about solids, liquids and gases. The students enjoyed completing a science experiment, where they had to turn a solid into a liquid and a liquid into a solid. Fair to say they loved eating the jelly after the experiment .

They have also been learning about length in Mathematics. They enjoyed the opportunity to work together to find the matching unit of measurement and measure different objects.

Today the students in Grade 3/4 explored length. We chose 5 objects estimated their length in mm and cm then measured the objects. We represented our learning in google slides. All students completed the task independently and confidently showing a great respect for their learning. 

Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen

We have had a lot of fun exploring all sorts of weird and wacky world records as we begin to write our speeches for the Lions Club Public Speaking Competition. We are learning the structure of a speech and some tricks to engage our audience. During our paired reading, we have been mindful of our reading speed, reminding ourselves to walk instead of crawling or running.










In our Chemical Science unit, we have had some exciting hands-on learning opportunities. One of the highlights was creating a chemical reaction to inflate a balloon. We also made cloud bottles and explored how solids, liquids, and gases behave under specific conditions.

During our Resilience Project Lesson, we explored character strengths. The class participated in the “Knot Game”, we were very determined to untangle ourselves, but after a long time of trying, it became apparent that we weren’t able to. After playing the game, we were able to identify the character strengths that we demonstrated during this game.



Attending the Shrine of Remembrances’ Changed Forever exhibition at the Tongala Shire Hall, was a fantastic experience for all of us. It was amazing to see the artwork and read the stories created to aid the healing process of those affected by war. One piece that particularly caught our attention was the face/mask sculpted out of scrap metal.