
Leader: Jackie Stockdale

TRP  Connected Parenting Webinar

Our school has registered for an upcoming TRP  Connected Parenting Webinar (Online) on Tuesday 23rd May from 6:30pm - 8:00pm (90 minutes) AEST.


Here is the link to register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYkf-mqrDsuHNVJkHr2zgXe0W2QZ7eOhs7x


Registrations are essential!!


What you can expect:




Positive Behaviour Supports & Interventions 

The picture above is part of our whole school behaviour matrix. It is the column that unpacks the expected behaviour to demonstrate our value of learning. When students display these behaviours they are acknowledged with a token. 


Each fortnight we have a PBIS Blitz, our current blitz is: