Student Learning

Year F/1S Class News

In Mathematics we have been having fun identifying and comparing objects using measures of length, mass and capacity.  


In Science, we have observed the properties of different materials. We tested the materials using water and sunlight and then designed and created a hat, for a rainy and/or sunny day. 

Making Healthy Choices is our iUnit topic in Year 1. The students were encouraged to 'eat a rainbow' over the course of a week at home. At school, we made fruit and vegetable kebabs and lots of us tried something new - the lychee and cauliflower received mixed reviews! During our lesson about the importance of sleep, we wore our Oodies or dressing gowns. 


Elizabeth Sarre 

Year F/1S Classroom Teacher 

Reconciliation Week 

Last week Pilgrim students spent time acknowledging Reconciliation Week by participating in various activities. 


The Year 6 students shared some of the following thoughts as they reflected on the Stolen Generation:


Some words they used to describe the topic: stolen, sad, sorry, taken, heartbreaking, traumatising, moving, scarred, harsh.


Some questions the students asked: 

Why didn’t we say sorry earlier?
How many children were taken?
Why couldn't we have shared our land?
Why didn’t white people treat First Nations people as equals?
Why didn’t we ask to share their land?

The Year 6 students wrote the following similies or metaphors:

Tears pouring like rain
Part of you being ripped from you
Damaging as a natural disaster
Clouds of grief.

Our Year 3/4S class had lots of fun making gum leaf wreaths.

The Year 3/4H class are continuing to work on a large canvas artwork. This will be displayed once complete. 


During buddy time, our Foundation, Years 1, 5 and 6 students listened to "Come Together: Things Every Aussie Kid Should Know about the First Peoples". They learnt many interesting things about First Peoples and had fun colouring in artwork about Reconciliation Week. 


In Year 2, students acknowledged National Reconciliation week by watching informative videos and having class discussions about the reasons we celebrate this week. They also talked about this year's theme, Be A Voice for Generations and made a class display.

Bebras Challenge Round 1, 2023

A number of our students from Years 3 to 6 participated in the first round of the CSIRO

Bebras Challenge in Week 2. This is a national online competition that engages students' computational thinking and problem-solving skills in a fun, interactive environment. Students complete the challenge either individually or in teams of up to four. Over 25,000 students participated across Australia. We had excellent results as you can see below! The final round of the challenge is later in the year. 



Year 3 - Grace, Coco, Rafiki

Year 5 - Ariella, Lana, Zoe


Year 3 - Ned, Vin

Year 5 - Josiah R, Danni, Danny, Jaxon, Aria

Year 6 - Jesse, Josiah Z 


Year 3 - Mairik

Year 6 - Susan, Katie


Year 3 - Arjuna, Jacob E, Ben P

Year 4 - Isaac 

Year 5 - Aiden

Year 6 - Zoe, Aston 

High Distinction

Year 3 - Benjamin C

Year 4 - Johnny, Ed, Malachi, Aliyah, Ethan, Leo, Ashton

Year 6 - Matti, Caleb

Scholastic Book Club 

Scholastic Book Club Issue #4 is now available. There is currently a delay in receiving the catalogues for this issue, however, if you would like to view the catalogue online and place an order, you can do so via the Scholastic website:



Your order will be electronically linked to the rest of the school’s order. Please place your order by Tuesday, June 20th.

Premier's Reading Challenge 

The Premier's Reading Challenge (PRC) plays an important role in promoting the love of reading. With your continued support, our students will keep reading and participating in the Challenge! This year is an extra exciting time for the Premier’s Reading Challenge as it is their 20th anniversary. 


To celebrate 20 years of the Premier’s Reading Challenge, students have the opportunity to take part in an additional challenge. Students can opt to do a ‘20 Years, 20 Books’ challenge and receive a one-off 20th Anniversary Certificate in addition to their usual Premier's Reading Challenge award. We would encourage everyone to take part in the additional challenge and will be providing students in Years 3-6 with the 20 Book Challenge Record. Regular Challenge Record (of 12 books) can be obtained from the Front Office or Mrs Spencer.


1. Rules - students will read 20 books by September. A Student Reading Record needs to be kept and a hard copy will be sent home today. 8 books MUST be from the PRC list and the additional 12 books can be anything at your reading level. You can search for books on the PRC list here

You can search for titles according to year level (F-2, 3-5, 6-9, Mature) or you can browse the list. There are over 8000 books on this list, so you are sure to find something you are interested in. The school library and public libraries will have a selection of PRC books for you to borrow.


2. Students will still need to submit their record sheets to their teacher by the 1st September at the latest. We will accept a scanned copy via email.


3. Awards will be sent to our school in November as in previous years.

Foundation - Year 2 Student Reading Record sheets will be sent home at a later date. Good luck with the Premier's Reading Challenge this year and please contact your class teacher should you need any support.


During this time I encourage you to read more than just a single series - broaden the genre of books you choose and explore the wonderful world of reading.


Mrs Spencer 

PRC Coordinator