Community Noticeboard





Emmanuel College

Open Day 2023 was a wonderful event with families enjoying the opportunity to meet students, see the fantastic facilities we have here at Emmanuel and meet staff and students. We hope that you saw lots of things that you liked and that your child would enjoy doing here at Emmanuel.  If you were unable to attend, or would like to visit the College again, you are most welcome to come along to an Information Morning on Saturday 5 August – times for each campus are below and registration is available here:

Saturday 5 August 2023,  Notre Dame Campus 9:00am, St Paul’s Campus 10:30am.

Year 7 2025 Applications - A friendly reminder that if you have a child in Year 5, applications for Year 7 2025 close on Friday 18 August 2023.  Even if your older child is already attending or joining us in 2024, it is a requirement for an application to be submitted for 2025.  A Prospectus Pack containing an application form can be obtained by:

Attending Information Morning on Saturday 5 August following this link:

 Request a Prospectus here

Send to

Calling our College Registrar, Ms Donna Grech on 8325 5119.

Campus Office hrs between 8am and 4:15pm 

Please ensure that you provide us with your current email address as Year 7 2025 Letters of Offer and Waitlist notifications will be distributed to families by email on Friday 18 October.  

Winter T-Ball Competition



Osh Club Updates

Please find attached a copy of our monthly newsletter to keep you up to date with the great things that are happening at OSH.


Also attached is information regarding the new Child Care Subsidy that comes into effect as of the 10th July. These changes will significantly benefit the families in your community and so we have included some details and supporting links. 

Below is a link to the Child Care Subsidy calculator, to support in understanding the new subsidy.


Our CCS resources: CCS campaign website landing page is now live - Child Care Subsidy | CCS | Child Care Subsidy Calculator (

  • CCS Poster in service now has a QR code that families can use to find out how the Child Care Subsidy changes impacts them directly.

We are currently upskilling the teams to be able to further support families with the new changes.

I hope your last few weeks are going well.


Also attached is a flyer providing you with Emergency Enrolment information.  Please enrol your child even if you aren't sure whether you will make use of Osh Club.


I look forward to catching up soon,

 Sarah Hume Regional Director