From the Principal


Dear Parents & Carers


Today, as we commemorate Sorry Day and reflect upon the importance of national reconciliation in Australia, I am filled with a deep sense of responsibility and hope. Sorry Day is a time for us to acknowledge the injustices and profound impact that the forced removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families has had on their lives, culture, and heritage.

As a Catholic school, we are committed to fostering an inclusive and respectful community that embraces diversity and recognises the inherent dignity of every individual. Today, we stand together in solidarity with our Indigenous brothers and sisters, seeking forgiveness for the pain and suffering caused by past policies and actions.


National reconciliation is not just a matter of acknowledging past wrongs; it requires us to actively work towards healing, understanding, and building bridges between cultures. It demands that we educate ourselves and our students about the rich history and cultural heritage of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, acknowledging their contributions and achievements.


Today, let us recommit ourselves to the journey of reconciliation, guided by empathy, compassion, and a shared vision of justice and unity. Together, we can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society, one where the wounds of the past are acknowledged, and the spirit of reconciliation is embraced.


May we continue to learn, grow, and work towards a future where all Australians walk hand in hand, united in the pursuit of true reconciliation.



First Holy Eucharist

Congratulations to our Year 4 students on receiving their First Holy Eucharist last weekend! This is a momentous step in their spiritual journey. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the staff and parents for their dedication and support in preparing the children for this sacred sacrament. Your commitment has helped shape their faith. May God's blessings be with your children as they continue to grow in love and devotion to the Eucharist. Well done, Year 4!



Over the past five weeks of Term Two, students have been learning Auslan alongside their teachers. We are using a model of teachers as co-learners in teaching Auslan. Year levels have been learning the foundations of Auslan including greetings such as ‘good morning’, ‘hello’ and ‘welcome’. They have also been learning how to sign the alphabet, colours, how to sign their names and every day signs like ‘stop’, ‘go’, ‘stand’, ‘sit’, ‘finished’ and ‘toilet’. Recently, we all learnt how to sign our three school values. Please ask your children to share what they are learning in Auslan.


Congratulations to all our swimmers who competed with great determination and sportsmanship! A special shout-out to those who advanced to the next stages. Emma Ambry, Eleanor Stokes, Sophie Cruz and Shammie Cruz, your hard work and dedication are truly commendable. We wish you continued success in your swimming endeavours. Well done, swimmers!

Warm regards

Michael Ozbun

Acting Principal