With only a few weeks left of Term 2 2023, the King’s Birthday Long Weekend is very welcome as we move into the winter months.


This year our staff have engaged in a Professional Learning program called Positive Partnerships.  This program is funded by the Australian Government Department of Education through the Helping Children with Austism package.  The program is designed to benefit educators working directly with students on the autism spectrum.  Outcomes for autistic students are enhanced when: a strong, positive relationship exists between home and school; teachers feel confident in their knowledge and understanding or autism; and classroom and school environments reflect the unique needs of autistic students. (Positive Partnerships workbook).  


The first day of this program was held on Monday 24th April and included all staff across the school.  The second day of the program will be held on Wednesday 14th June, when teachers, learning support staff, wellbeing and other key staff will meet to formalise actions moving forward.  Wednesday 14th June will be a Student Free Day for all students.


Although we have a public holiday on Monday, Student Free day on Wednesday and no VCE classes on Thursday (due to the GAT), it is important that all students attend on Tuesday, as we are in a busy assessment period.


At the end of this term, we will have a small number of staffing changesChiaki Green, Arts & Technology Assistant, and teachers, Lyndal Robinson and Gemma Harrower will be on leave for all of semester 2. Arrangements to replace Lyndal and Gemma will be communicated in a parent letter during the holidays.  


The Arts and Technology Assistant position has not been filled.  If you are interested, or know of anyone that is interested in learning more about this position, please contact Emma Webb, Personal Assistant to the Principal via the College Front Reception on 03 5032 9771.


Next week we welcome Nicole Bail to our staff.  Nicole has accepted two days of work as a Canteen Assistant and one day as a Learning Resource Centre Assistant. We are very fortunate to have Nicole joining our staff.


Enrolment forms for Year 7 2024 have been steadily coming in. If you have a child that you would like to enrol for 2024, please ensure that your enrolment form has been submitted by 10th July 2023. This is the first day of Term 3, and the Front Office is closed from 3rd July, reopening on 10th July.  I anticipate that we will receive more than our cap of 96 enrolments for 2024, so enrol now.  Don’t miss out.