Aoife's Message
Dear Holy Cross families,
It seems like just a moment ago that the term commenced and now we're racing towards the mid year break. As always there's plenty of action around our place so head to the Holy Cross Happenings page to find out more!
Professional Development
As a school we are committed to ensuring that our staff is equipped with the skills to engage children in research backed educational practices. Next Tuesday we have a whole school closure day dedicated to inquiry learning. We have engaged the expertise of 'Traces of Learning' to lead us in creating an inquiry sequence of learning contextual to Holy Cross. Having worked with the Traces team in my previous role I am excited to see where this learning leads us in Term 3.
Kathleen, our Learning Diversity Leader, and I also recently took part in additional training in relation to creating safety plans for children with additional needs. We will share this learning with staff and families when working together on safety plans for occasions such as overnight camps.
Last week Kate J and Kellie attended a two day conference for Deputy Principals, the focus was Our Sacred Place and was led by Katrina Bourke, a leadership development coach. We're looking forward to benefitting as a staff from this learning.
Pie Drive
Thank you to our PFA team for organising the 'Tony's Pies' Pie Drive in aid of our school. We are very appreciative of everyone's support in purchasing a pie or two!
Year 6 Sacrament of Confirmation Reflection Evening
Thank you to our children and families for coming along and participating in our Confirmation Reflection Evening, led by Lisa our Faith Leader. As a community we pray for the children and families who are preparing to celebrate this special occasion in their faith lives. The Year 6 children and staff of Holy Cross will host the children and staff of St Brigid's in a Confirmation Reflection Day next week. This is an important opportunity for our young people to engage in dialogue about their faith, and to live out our vision of 'Leading us to God's mountain'.
Long Service Leave
I am taking long service leave from June 14th - July 18th. After three and a half long years it's time to head home to see my family (and meet some new family members!). While I am away Kellie McDonald will be the Acting Principal, with Kate Johnston in the Deputy Principal role. Both Kellie and Kate will be magnificent in these roles and will support children, staff and families during my short absence from Holy Cross. Thank you for your support.
Please note that the last day of Term 2 has a 2.30pm finish time.
As I will not see families before the school holidays, I wish you a safe, peaceful and relaxing break.