First Nations News

Next week we will be celebrating and recognising Reconciliation Week at Aitken College. There will be a range of activities and information for staff and students throughout the week to help them to be a voice for generations in striving for reconciliation between indigenous and non-indigenous peoples of Australia. You can see the events poster below.
Reconciliation Week is a national initiative and takes place in the week between the anniversary of the 1967 Referendum (27 May) which was the referendum held to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia’s constitution and Mabo Day (3 June) which is the anniversary of the High Court of Australia’s decision in 1992 to recognise native title rights for indigenous people.
Look out for Reconciliation Week events happening across local councils and throughout the City of Melbourne. Head to the links below for more information.
For more information on Hume City Council events, click here.
27 May Koorie Heritage Trust- Federation Square
Koorie Heritage Trust- Federation Square
Deadly Yarns
1st June
City Library
More info:
Westmeadows Indigenous Community Garden Open Day
June 3rd
More info:
Mabo Day Concert
June 3rd - Federation Square
More info: