Calrossy P & F

Thanks to the P&F 

Oval upgrades 

A massive shout out to BASF Chemicals and Russell Ison for their support to upgrade the Goldsworthy and Primary ovals on the William Cowper Campus. 

Your knowledge and experience for this project will result in better facilities for the students and staff. 

Today we have sprayed out the areas and they will be fenced off before next week when we start to sow new grass seed. 

We have existing dam water infrastructure that is all full to capacity so it’s all systems go. 

Also a special note of thanks to Ben Gigli and the Year 12 Engineering class for their design efforts for phase 2 for the Hall project. This will be completed when things are dry enough. Watch this space for exciting news ahead and update.


Playground update 

So close to the finish line and what a difference a week makes. The cubby is now 100% secure and ready for the children next week. Thanks to year 11 student Zac who volunteered his time today to work with our builder Sam.

Tomorrow the lads will return to complete the wall under the kindergarten classroom and reinstall the storage shed. 



THANK YOU TO THE P AND F for generously supporting this project.

Stuck on You Fundraiser