
Welcome to the 2020 Academic Year

Welcome back to the 2020 academic year in the Secondary School. We are privileged to have the opportunity to lead the Secondary School this year and look forward to working in partnership with you to provide opportunities for your child to succeed in a range of pursuits. Term 1 is a very busy one with Stage Nights, Expeditions, Open Day and Experience Day as well as many other extra-curricular activities.  


This year some changes have been implemented to the daily and classroom routines which should help raise student expectations and encourage participation, positive engagement and ultimately deep learning. In the past few years a great deal of educational research has been compiled from various studies which highlights what works best for creating effective learning environments. They include having high expectations and strong teacher-student relationships. More information can be found at the following links:


One of the changes this year is the introduction of Community Time which occurs at 1pm daily. A range of different activities take place during this time depending on the day and campus. Assemblies provide consistent information, promote positive culture and celebrate student success. Chapel Assemblies share the Christian faith with fun and energy. Year 12 Leaders are heavily involved in both of these Assemblies when they are on the relevant campus. Year 12 Leaders also run House Meetings that occur once a cycle, promoting House spirit and inclusiveness. Year 11 students have the chance to lead during Community Mentor sessions, facilitating games and activities to encourage the growth of positive relationships within and between year groups. Learning Mentor times are designed to increase confidence and skills that will promote academic growth for students in Years 7 – 10. LGS (learning, growing, serving) are proactive Wellbeing sessions that build skills and knowledge; helping junior students to mature and grow. Senior students have a year meeting once a week with their Leader of Wellbeing to plan events or discuss issues relevant for their year group.


Many thanks to the Sports department and many additional staff who ran the competitive carnival at Scully Pool.  See the Sports report for more details. There was also a wonderful atmosphere on both campuses on Friday as alternate activities were run to include all students, promote House spirit and provide leadership opportunities.

Check out the photos from the day on the HUB in the photo tab.


The year has begun in a very positive way. It has been pleasing to see students prepared to give their best effort and to step into new leadership roles in many areas. We look forward to a successful and productive year.


Hugh Howey and Dianne Cameron

Heads of Secondary