Primary Notices

Primary Notices


Students are being constantly reminded to maintain a high standard of dress at Calrossy. Some things to note: 

  • Socks are to be navy blue with the dress uniform
  • Socks are to be white with the sports uniform
  • Dress Hats for Year 3-6 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 
  • Play hat for everyone else on every other day


Little Learners Club

Little Learner Club is back up and running and we can’t wait to see all our old friends and meet some new faces. Invite your friends and come along. For children aged 3-5 and their siblings, join us for a story, craft, fun activities and a play. It’s a chance to meet some new friends, for the kids and adults as well. We look forward to seeing you. 

Every Friday at 10:30am in the Prep Rooms. Bring your morning tea. 


Open Day 

Our Open Day on Friday 28th February is open to anyone interested in Prep to Year 12. You may be a current family and interested in the high school, please come along you would be most welcome. Tel your friends and invite them too. 9-11am on the William Cowper Campus. 


Life Education

Healthy Harold and the Life Education Van will be visiting Calrossy in Week 5 and 6. All students in Prep to Year 6 will have a chance to spend time in the van. We look forward to sharing our learning with families through Seesaw. 

Assembly Awards

Stuck on You Fundraiser

How to pack a Healthy Lunch Box