From the Head of Primary

Message from Claire Dalziel

Thank you! 

It was wonderful to see so many faces last week at our Parent Information Nights. I was delighted to be able to share with you and I know our teachers enjoy including you and partnering with you in your child’s education. If you were unable to attend, the PowerPoint Slides are all available on the HUB in the Primary Daily Notices. 


Over the next fortnight in Primary, we will be building and developing our skills as collaborators. We see Collaboration as adding to and drawing from the strength of teams. Our verse from Hebrews 10:24 says, And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. The very nature of, ‘spur one another on’, takes away from oneself and puts the focus on building others up. This is a calling to work together, to collaborate, to help others and to grow those around us. Collaboration fits into the social aspect of learning where we are being relational and aware of our own interactions with those around us, helping us to foster positive relationships. 


Our Swimming Carnival on Friday was a wonderful opportunity for our students to mix in with the older students and I was so pleased with how well our students swam and conducted themselves. We look forward to hearing the overall results. Well Done. 


Congratulations to our 2020 Leaders, I look forward to watching our leaders grow as they grow the school. 


School Captains: Eva Hayes and Hamish McWilliam

School Vice-Captains: Dominique Baker and Oliver Thomas


House Capains

CHANG: Zachary Elias and George Pearson

MUNRO: Annicka McCulloch and Jeremy Collins

ROBERTS: Izabel Whitby and Phoebe Murray

WRIGHT: Natasha North and Cameron McDonald




ClassEnviro Club SRCLibrary Monitors
KWRowdy Ackerman  
KGMillie Taylor   
1WBailey Weik  
1GCharlie Lush   
2WWillow Roman Esha Vangala  
2GTom WilsonJacob Drever 
3WEmma LeightonHarry Marchetto Minn Lush 
3GBobby GellAleksey ChambersJorjia Mureau
4WLotte BonieckiMax YeoLachlan Alker
4GCameron TooleyMatilda McDonaldJoshua Suter
5WPortia Nell Dane CuddihyAmelie Chambers
5GJock Barwick Krista TaggartGeorgia Jones