Bayside Dance Off

Audtions off to a dance-tastic start! 

The auditions are underway for the 2019 Bayside Dance Off. Students are dancing in groups of 2-6, creating their own dance routines of 2 minutes or less with no help from adults and performing them to huge audiences at school. We started auditions on Wednesday, October 30, with over 150 students watching the wonderful performances by our first dancers! Have a look at some of these costumes!! Can anyone spot some costumes that have been reused from the concert and turned into something new? How creative!  

We continue auditions this week and all of next week at lunch times in the stadium. The running sheets are up outside the music room. Results of which groups are through to the final will be posted outside the music room in the week beginning Monday, November 11. There are 3 categories: F-2, 3-4 and 5-6. During the finals, we will select one group from each of the 3 categories to represent BRPS against other Bayside schools at the final at Hampton Primary School. 

It is fantastic to see so many students excited about dancing together and being a supportive audience for their school mates. We can't wait for the performances that are still to come. Keep on dancing!