Principal Team Report

Week 4 Update

In this week's Remote Learning Video Message:

Congratulations and thank you to all students, teachers and parents for the ongoing commitment and hard work during this time of remote learning. 


Please note some small changes to Flexi-Friday.  Zoom catch-ups will take place as normal but staff are encouraged to work offline for the day and will not be responding to student or posts or queries until Monday. 


While a return to school date has not yet been confirmed we encourage all families to start talking to their children about what a return to school will look like in terms of the following:

- maintenance of hand hygiene (including on immediate arrival at school)

- all students being dropped off via the kiss and drop at staggered times in the morning (i.e. we'll limit the number of adults allowed to enter the school)

- staying home if staff or students have any cold and flu like symptoms

Family Remote Learning Survey

As part of our school's commitment to continual improvement of the approaches that we're taking to support remote learning, we ask that families take some time to respond to the prompts below.  Your responses and personal stories will assist the school in understanding what it is that we're doing well and what actions we might take enhance or improve our remote learning approaches.

1.) What learning are you comfortable supporting?

2.) What would you like us to understand about your family's experience of remote learning? What really matters to you?

3.) What are you noticing about your child or children as learners?

4.) What learning are you finding more challenging to support?

5.) What are you noticing they (your child/children) are most excited or motivated about learning?

Message from the PA: We are all in this together!

2021 Prep Enrolments

Please note that Prep enrolment packs for 2021 can be collected from the school this Friday 8 May from 8:00am - 8:45am and from 3:00pm - 4:00pm. 

The Fathering Project

As a registered Fathering Project school, I encourage families to access the quality parent education resources available on the following website:

Happy Families Blog