Year 8

Year 8
“Courage to Care”
Focus Day in Shepparton #upstander
Last Wednesday our Year 8 cohort participated in the “Courage to Care” experience in Shepparton.
Courage to Care remembers and salutes those courageous people who took enormous personal risks to rescue Jews and others from the program of extermination known as the Holocaust. These groups and individuals have been honoured as The Righteous Among the Nations.
Courage to Care encourages all Australians to reject prejudice and discrimination. The Righteous Among the Nations are an example to all of us of the power of an individual to make a difference.
The students engaged with an interactive series of displays involving historical artifacts from the Holocaust, including audio-visual accounts and documents, facilitated by volunteers, some of whom were Holocaust survivors themselves.
The experience was brought to a close with students working with facilitators in small groups to discuss the impact of perpetrators on victims and the role of bystanders and “upstanders” – those who stand up for what is right. This was a powerful message that the groups then used to inform discussion around how this applies to the lives of teenagers and dealing with issues such as bullying, cyber-crime and building strong and resilient communities.
The entire experience was a valuable reminder of the importance of us all to be “upstanders” so that the lessons from the history of the Holocaust do not have the chance to repeat themselves. We can all be heroes for the greater good by standing up and calling out actions and behaviours that marginalise and disempower others.
The group finished the day with lunch at Victoria Park Lake and some time to spend with friends reflecting on the experience. Thanks to Ms Parker and Ms Ferguson for accompanying the group.
The College wishes to acknowledge the support of the Cobram Youth Foundation for subsidising the transport costs for the group to access this valuable opportunity.
Student’s reflections of the day:
“I didn’t fully understand what Hitler did in the Holocaust and how many people were affected”
“I can care for other people when I see them being bullied – it just takes courage to do it”
“Listening to a survivor’s story from the Holocaust was really powerful”
“To help everyone – it’s the little things that matter”
“War and conflict dehumanises people and takes away their identity. It makes them easy to forget”
Congratulations to all students who attended – you proudly embraced the College motto of “EVERY opportunity taken”.
Randall Jones
Year 8 Level Leader
Boost Celebration
This week we celebrated the reading growth of our Year 8 BOOST students. The majority have grown well above expected growth levels. We are so proud of their efforts and investment in their learning. Congratulations.