Year 7

Earlier this term our Year 7 classes have been studying the art of Australian artist, Sidney Nolan. They have learnt about the structure of landscape art and using colour schemes to communicate mood or feelings about places. The students have been learning about the story of Ned Kelly and are now appropriating a Sidney Nolan painting from his Ned Kelly series.
Science with Mr. Thompson
Applying their skills in separating mixtures in their latest Science CAT.
English with Mrs Black
7B are beginning a Unit on Persuasion.
Students were looking at the pillars of the progressive rubric and reflecting on their strengths and weaknesses.
This was a formative activity!
Band News
During the last week of Term 2, the Year 7 Band gave a concert to family and friends. It's amazing how far they have come in 6 months. Congratulations to all the students involved and to Mr McLaren for all their practice and hard work.