Taster Day & School Tours

** Grade 6 Taster Day **
During Week 8, our students at Cobram Secondary College were joined by 104 Grade 6 students from Cobram Primary School, Barooga Public School, St. Josephs Primary School, Strathmerton Primary School and Numurkah Primary School for our first Taster Day of the year. The students moved around a range of classes, including Woodwork, Metalwork, PE, Foods, Science, English, Maths and Psychology. Thank you to the Primary schools for supporting our Taster Day – we had a fantastic day and hope you did too! We will see you again in Semester 2!
School tours
Many families with Year 7 students for 2020, took up the offer of school tours. Our very capable students gave families a close up look around school, during class time.