School uniform

New school uniform
Term 2 has seen the arrival of cooler weather and thankfully our new Winter uniform. All the students have been very excited to be wearing the new apparel, with many rugby jumpers and coats being sold in the first couple of weeks. Our stock is being updated all the time. Anyone interested should call in to the office during recess or lunch to try them on.
Our uniform policy states that students are to wear a navy beanie if they are wearing a beanie to school. At the current time we do not stock navy beanies – these have been ordered, however are not yet available and therefore we cannot provide the students with the correct option. As such we are permitting students to wear a beanie of any colour until the navy school beanies become available. Once the school navy beanies become available students are only permitted to wear a navy beanie.
All staff, students and parents will be notified when the navy school beanie becomes available.