SRC & Youth Council

Moira Shire Youth Council (MSYC)
Our Moira Shire Youth Council (MSYC) members had a great day out in Shepparton on June 4th, visiting local Youth Support Services. Special thanks to Cr Marie Martin for spending the day with us and Hollie, Jess and the team from Moira Shire Council for organising the excursion.
Biggest Morning Tea
The Student Representative Council combined with the Wellbeing team held a ‘Biggest Morning Tea Breakfast on the 31st of May 2019. Members from the committee all worked to create tasty pancakes with side selections of fresh fruit, choc chips, cream and a homemade berry topping. We also prepared some delicious bacon and egg rolls, and there was a selection of sweet and savory treats available for students and staff to enjoy. The combined effort of this breakfast raised $280 .
This is one of the many events the Cobram Secondary College SRC have planned and will be hosting over the duration of this year.
On behalf of the SRC, I would like to say thank you to all of those who came and enjoyed this lovely breakfast and donated.
Teagan Mitchell,Cobram Secondary College SRC president
Alannah Furmston, Ellie Jones, Rob Morey (Cinema project President), Mitchell Hawke and Freyja Black.
Student Representative Council
The CSC – SRC met with Rob Morey from the Cobram Community Cinema Group for a progress report on the cinema funding and what our SRC could now do to help. Rob thanked the SRC for their ongoing involvement to promote this initiative.
Another combined local schools SRC meeting will be scheduled for Term 3 to discuss future fundraising plans.
Don’t forget to go to the Cobram Community Cinema FB page LIKE it and let the community know
why it is important for you/us to have a cinema in our town.