Library Corner

Welcome to Term Four and the closing chapter in our Year 12 cohort’s Glen Eira College journey. Term Three was a hectic one, with many events and assessment tasks occurring.
In response to student feedback from our Term Two Library survey we ordered in four sets of colourful reading cushions which have proved an instant hit. The Library is now a much cosier destination with plenty of relaxed ambience.
The Book Club members and Library Monitors were treated to a combined luncheon meeting during Week 9. We celebrated an eventful Term Three and awarded Library Monitor certificates to Alex Leathley (10D), Dhugal Leathley (10C), Abigail Staples (11E) and Gauri Gupta (10D). These students displayed leadership skills during the Melbourne Writer’s Festival Excursion and Book Week Lunchtime activity planning.
The whole College turned yellow to celebrate RUOK? Day on 11th September, while the Library staff set up a display of brochures and resources - both fiction and non fiction - to support the College community.
The final days of Term Three featured camps for Years 7 and 10 and Work Experience for Year 10 students. So (10F) and Woody (10E) joined the Library team for that week and were a cheerful addition. They performed circulation duties, laminating, display setups and routine tasks. Woody’s display featured images and books relating to the pending AFL grand final match.
National Reading Hour was celebrated at lunchtime in the Library on Thursday 19th September.
During Week One of Term 4 the Library was the venue for a day of Headspace workshops during which the Year 8 classes participated in wellbeing activities. These sessions were organised by Jenny Sanchez as part of Mental Health Week 2019.
The Library collections have been augmented by a huge selection of new titles. Check out these new reads and don’t forget the selection of ebooks and audiobooks available via the College’s Wheelers ePlatform and Ebsco eBook Collection. Visit the Library’s catalogue and follow the links:
Library Opening Hours:
Monday to Thursday 8:30am to 4:30pm
Friday 8:00am to 4:00pm
The library is open at Recess to Year 12 students and Library Monitors only
Lunchtime opening from 1:00pm onwards (Closed to general access during the fortnightly Book Club meetings)
Homework Help:
Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school, 3:15pm to 4:30pm
Sherri Michael
College Librarian