Senior School News

Year 12 End of Year Celebrations 2019
Year 11 News
The Year 11 Ski Camp was a wonderful success with all students thoroughly enjoying themselves. The organised ski lesson proved very useful for the first time and novice skiers to develop the necessary skills to take on some more challenging runs. We were also very fortunate to have superb skiing weather and excellent snow coverage. It was really great to see the students return to school excited to share their snow adventure stories.
The Year 11 end of semester exams begin on 21st of November. Students should start elevating their home study regimes in preparation for the examination period. Some Year 11 students studying unit 3 & 4 subjects will be sitting their VCE exam in the coming weeks and I wish them all the very best.
Benjamin Wickham
Year 11 Coordinator
Year 10 News
Year 10 Camp took 45 students down to Torquay for three days. Sun, surfing and stand up paddle boarding tested the students’ balance and determination. It was fantastic to see so many students taking part in all the activities. To see the smiles as students stood up from being dumped by a wave and getting right back on the board was fantastic. Stand-up paddle boarding was new to a lot of the students and the concentration and coordination to keep moving and navigate over and under the bridges was phenomenal. Overall it was an amazing camp and I want to thank everyone for a great time.
Year 10 Peer Support Leaders have been facilitating the Year 7 team sessions each Wednesday and Friday. They have been doing a marvelous job of interacting with the Year Year 7s on a daily basis, making it a positive experience. The Peer Support Leaders are organising the Year 7 Wellbeing Quiz event held in December.
Exams will be in week 7. Year 10s should be thinking about the revision techniques that they will use to prepare for the upcoming exams. Additionally, should any Year 10 student need assistance in developing a study plan or help with exam preparation, please come to the Senior School office and see me for advice.
Delanka Peiris
Year 10 Coordinator