Movie Sunday night 10 November Michelle Payne Ride like a Girl – Elsternwick Classic
Please join us for a private screening of this hit movie.
The inspiring story of Michelle Payne, the first female jockey to win the Melbourne Cup.
Directed by Rachel Griffiths with writers Andrew Knight and Elise McCredie, and starring Teresa Palmer, Sam Neill, Sullivan Stapleton and Stevie Payne.
GEC Movie night is a popular fundraiser for GEC, and a great opportunity to get together and share in the spirit of our school with families and friends, old and new - the more the merrier – so please bring along grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, neighbours! Check out the film trailer too.
Ticket prices include a light supper and soft drinks after the show Adults: $25 Kids /Students: $20
The cinema also has a bar with other food and drinks available for sale.
TIME: 6:30pm for 7:15pm start (TBC on 6th November)
Click here to book your tickets
2nd Hand Uniform Stall – Thursday 5th December 5.30-6.30pm
same day as Year 7 2020 Parents info session
Sale of donated uniforms to help families and school. Please donate your unwanted uniform items to the office by Friday 29 November. This is a donation to the school - families will not receive any payment for their items. Please ensure that all items are in reasonable condition and have been washed and dried before you bring them in. Please note that we cannot sell items that are no longer part of the college uniform, such as polar fleece jackets or the older-style all grey sports tops (sports tops in the current style - with red sleeves- are very welcome). We plan to run another uniform stall early next year if you want to donate uniforms in December.
Helpers needed to set up and run the stall from 4.30 - please RSVP by sending an email to
Call for co-convenors and GECPA members for 2020
Please email us at call Jelena 2019 c o-convenor on 0404 609 405 or come to the dinner meeting on 14th November.
Call for trivia night team and coordinator and team for 2020
GECPA is planning a trivia night next year. Previous Trivia nights have been lots of fun and very successful school fundraisers. We need a few more volunteers to assist planning the night. Please email GECPA if you can help
Final GECPA meeting – celebration dinner Thursday, 14 November
Theio Theo Greek Restaurant 5-7 Waverley Rd East Malvern, 7.15 pm - after strings piano and voice concert at GEC
Glen Eira Parents Association Meetings – newcomers welcome
All GEC parents and guardians welcome – a great chance to meet some school families and help the school. Our meetings are friendly and informal, and your level of involvement is up to you. If you are interested in being involved, want to come to any of our meetings or are not already receiving our emails, please send an email to Volunteers (welcome even in a small way). The easiest way to be involved with GECPA is to come to our events, but we especially appreciate those who can volunteer a bit of time. We need new families to get involved as some families leave the school at the end of each year. We know not everyone is able to make a regular commitment, but we also rely on people who turn up just once or more during the year to help out a little. And we also need people to join our committee. co-convenors Eliza and Jelena
Welcome to 2020 Year 7 Families
If you haven’t yet joined the 2020 year 7 contact list please complete the form here.
Year 11 and 12 Maths scientific calculators – collection
Are you finishing with your scientific calculator at the end of the year and would like to donate it to the school? GECPA will be collecting calculators in a box by the office after VCE exams and will offer them to the Wellbeing team for distribution to students as needed and sell the remainder at half new price to other students. Please don’t let your students throw them in the bin as they are expensive and valuable for other students!
Sale of second hand text books and novels
Please offer your books to younger students at Glen Eira College or other schools or sell on Sustainable Books or Gumtree.
Please discourage your students from throwing textbooks in the bin or leaving them in lockers.
Buying Novels for next year - Brotherhood Books
The Brotherhood of St Laurence has a second hand bookshop online as a fundraiser for their work to end poverty. They sell novels but not text books. Buy 3 get free metro delivery.
Weekly walk and talk
We have a social walking group which meets once a week to walk and chat for an hour. We meet on Tuesday evenings (weather permitting) at 7:45pm at the corner of Crosbie and Murrumbeena Roads at Duncan Mackinnon Reserve. So that we can keep in contact, we have set up a messaging group on Whatsapp. To join the group, just email us your name and phone number. (If you don't already have Whatsapp installed on your smartphone, you will need to do that first -it's very easy to install and to use). send an email to if you want to walk with us.
Ormond Jets Beginner Program Term 4 - Sundays November 10-December 15
The aim of these sessions is to provide new or beginning players the fundamental basketball skills to allow them to enjoy playing in a JETS domestic team.
Children 9 – 12 years 12.15pm – 1.15pm; Children 6 – 8 years 11.15am – 12.15pm
Elsternwick Primary School (44 Murphy St, Brighton VIC 3186)
Bring a basketball, drink bottle, light and dark top or reversible top. To register follow the link below:
Cost: $30 for the full 6 week program.
To Register please follow the below link.
Cathy McNaughton