Wellbeing News

Growing Up Online
Thank you to all who attended the “Growing Up Online” parent information evening presented by cyber safety expert Susan McLean. The presentation was confronting and informative. Susan outlined the challenges young people face in the online world and the role of parents in supporting and protecting their children. A key message was that parents should ensure they educate themselves about online safety so they are able to provide informed support for their child.
We will be booking Susan McLean again in 2020 both to support our parents and workshops for students.
A very helpful website to find out about a range of online safety issues, as well as how to report concerns about online behaviour is the esafety site.
Toolkit For a Healthy Headspace
During the first week of term Year 8 students were involved in a healthy headspace workshop facilitated by Headspace. Students participated in a range or mini workshops related to developing a healthy headspace.
At the conclusion of the workshop students completed their own “Healthy Headspace Action Plan”. In their action plan there were 7 tips for a healthy headspace they could use as examples of what they could include in their plan.
- Get into life
- Learn skills for tough times
- Create connections
- Eat well
- Stay active
- Get enough sleep
- Avoid alcohol or other drugs
Check out the online digital kit by visiting: headspace.org.au/tips
Comments from Year 8 students included:
- “There were activities to participate in, not just writing things down”
- “Juggling and the colouring in was fun”
- “Journal writing can help you take you mind off things and get out the stress inside you”
- “It was great being able to share with others what we do for ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally and in relationships to maintain good health”
- “Juggling and writing down my thoughts was really helpful”
- “Enjoyed the mindfulness drawing”
Simple things can make a big difference in maintaining a positive headspace!
Kaz Gunther from headspace, in partnership with our Adolescent Health Nurse Christalia Formoso, led the day supported by our Student Support Worker Alyssa Zumbo. It was terrific to have working with us on the day Eliza and Sherri, two former students who are part of a leadership youth group from headspace. They gave of their time voluntarily as part of their commitment to supporting young people and their mental health.
A big thankyou to Kaz and her headspace team and all GEC staff who supported the program. An even bigger thank you to the Year 8 students who participated throughout the day in a respectful, active and enthusiastic way.
Jenny Sanchez
Wellbeing Leader