Careers Corner

Year 10
A large number of Year 10 students attended Work Experience during the last week of Term 3 and I was so happy to receive such positive feedback about the students. Employers and Teachers who visited some of the students on site all had such good things to say. Many of the workplaces have advised me that they were very happy with the work our students did and the way they represented both themselves and our school. Great work everyone, you should all be really proud of yourselves. I hope all the students were able to gain a lot from this experience as well.
I have included a few photos of our students hard at work during their work experience placements.
Year 12
During the upcoming exam period and after exams have finished, all Year 12 students are welcome and encouraged to come and see me at any time, whether to discuss their university preferences or if they require advice in editing resumes, or assistance with any other alternative career paths. I’m also happy to have confidential discussions with students in regards to their ATAR scores and their options post these being released. Please try to email or phone me prior to coming in, just to ensure that I will be available at the time.
Please take note of the below upcoming dates in relation to ATARs and VTAC University Offers.
ATAR and VCE results are released on - Thursday, 12th of December 2019
Domestic Students:
December Round VTAC offers are released on - Wednesday, 18th of December 2019
(Please be aware that students have until 4pm on Saturday, 14th of December 2019 to change their preferences before First Round VTAC offers)
January Round VTAC offers are released on - Wednesday, 15th of January 2020
February Round VTAC offers are released on the below dates:
Monday, 3rd of February 2020
Monday, 10th of February 2020
Monday, 17th of February 2020
Monday, 24th of February 2020
International Students:
December Round VTAC offers: 18th December 2019
January Round VTAC offers:
Round 1 - 7th of January 2020
Round 2 - 10th of January 2020
Round 3 - 15th of January 2020
Round 4 - 20th of January 2020
Round 5 - 24th of January 2020