Health & PE News

Year 7 PE
The first week of term 4 the Year 7s had Footsteps come in to introduce their new unit, ‘Rhythmic and Expressive Movement’. The students were pushed out of their comfort zone with some of the new moves with this being their first dancing experience. Everyone enjoyed the challenge and learnt choreography to a full song. Well done Year 7s and we cannot wait for the concert at the end of the year!
Year 11 PE
As part of the Year 11 PE study design, students are to participate in a variety of lifestyle and cultural physical activities. Therefore, the Year 11s went on a rock climbing adventure. All students gave rock climbing a go and challenged themselves on the harder walls and racing each other to the top. Many of the students were shocked with how difficult rock climbing actually is and had some very sore muscles for the next few days. I would like to credit and thank the Year 11s for all acting responsibly on the journey to and from school, supporting each other and giving it a go!
Health & PE Week
Week 2 of Term 4 was Health and PE week. The HPE team put on a number of events big and small to encourage the school population to be active and healthy. On Monday the gym was opened up for a whole school dodgeball game. At the request of the Year 12s participating they had a team take on the rest of the school. About 50 students took on 10 very confident Year 12s and won! The Year 12s persisted but eventually the enormity of their task was too much.
Mountains and mountains of fruit was provided to all students on a few occasions this week. With the selection of grapes and apples a few mornings a week, the grapes were in very high demand and were finished on the first day! It was great to see so many students enjoying a healthy option for recess.
Tuesday and Thursday the gym was open at lunchtime for free play. At first not knowing how this would go, it was amazing to see so many students swarm into the gym and share the space. Sports like basketball, badminton, table tennis, volleyball, tennis and more were popular. This highlighted the love for activity as all students were interacting with each other across many different activities and being respectful of different interests.
Wednesday brought the annual AFLW match. This brought many highlights for the students, whether it was cheering on their peers, trying a new sport or tackling a teacher. I think we might have a few entries into the AFLW draft coming from Glen Eira College in the years to come.
Friday brought the annual GEC Futsal Tournament grand final. The atmosphere in the gym was unlike anything else. After many attempts, many saves and many slick passes between teammates it was 1 all at full time. 2 minutes of extra time couldn’t separate the teams either. It was then down to sudden death penalties which saw ‘Messy with a Y’ come out on top.
A huge thank you to all the HPE team for organising these events, it was great seeing so many students participating in the week in multiple ways.
Sasha Byrnes
Head of Health & PE
GEC Futsal Cup
The 2019 GEC FUTSAL CUP Grand Final was held on Friday 18th October in front of a thunderous crowd in the gym. It featured a Year 12 and Year 11 boys team. The Year 12s got on the board early through Sanjay Medikonduru. It appeared they were headed for victory until a late equaliser from Clem Lambert sent the game into extra time. With scores still tied after the added 2 minutes, the game headed to sudden death penalties. Lachy Priest saved the first penalty and Shoan Kondhalkar sealed the deal for the Year 12s with a top class penalty to crown Messy With a Y as the 2019 GEC FUTSAL CUP champions.
Congratulations to all teams and thank you to all staff and students who helped out throughout the tournament. Special thanks to Mr Golding, Ms Byrnes, Mr Coghlan, Ms Ballingall, Twiza Christian, Sean Kelly, Shoan Kondhalkar, and Sanjay Medikonduru.
Daniel Mulligan
VCE Health and Media Teacher