Leader of Student Wellbeing

We’ve returned to Term 2 with a different mode of learning, but what remains the same is the level of care we have for our students. Please be assured we are working very hard behind the scenes caring for our students. Leaders of Student Care and College Counsellors have been in constant contact with parents and students. Please contact the LOSC for your child if you have any concerns regarding pastoral issues. Or alternatively, for confidential support the counsellors can be contacted at:




Winter Uniform

If any family requires assistance in accessing the winter uniform (full uniform or sport uniform) please contact myself at the College.


Pastoral Care Team

Each year group has a Leader of Student Care. The best way to contact a Leader of Student Care is through the office or direct email:


Year 7 - Mr Jonathan Dean jdean1@arm.catholic.edu.au (acting)

Year 8 - Mrs Melissa Bearup   mbearup@arm.catholic.edu.au

Year 9 - Mr Bernie Williams   bwilliams1@arm.catholic.edu.au

Year 10 - Mr Andrew Davy   adavy@arm.catholic.edu.au

Year 11 - Mrs Melissa Lees   mlees@arm.catholic.edu.au 

Year 12 - Mrs Fiona O’Neill   foneill@arm.catholic.edu.au

College Counsellors - mccthrive@arm.catholic.edu.au


In the COVID-19 Time

I came across this quote recently and thought I’d share with our community:


Mrs Sharon Stuart - Leader of  Student Wellbeing
