Assistant Principal - Curriculum 

During this very unique time many have experienced a variety of emotions - ranging from fear to apprehension and anxiety. I am very proud that what has been at the forefront for all McCarthy staff is the belief that the wellbeing of our students is most important. We care for our students, are working hard to support them in this imposed environment and look forward to being back with them in the classroom. I hope that when we do return to classrooms the memory of the experience  helps all to appreciate the unique relationships that underpin good learning. It may also be that, moving forward, as we return to physical classrooms, some of the new ways of independent learning are incorporated into lessons.


The uncertainty surrounding the Higher School Certificate and post school options has been particularly acute for Year 12 students - and their parents, but some clear decisions are beginning to emerge which may alleviate concern. Recently NESA has announced that the HSC exams will be going ahead and a timetable will be released next week. There have been some adjustments and these will be discussed with students as appropriate, once some at school learning has resumed. Please note that all Stage 6 students are expected to attend on-site for the full duration of their scheduled Year 11 and Year 12 classes unless they satisfy the ‘high-risk’ criteria. 


I urge all students in Stages 4 and 5 to follow the learning scaffolds that have been prepared. While they will spend less time physically at school than the older students, there has been much teacher effort to ensure that learning experiences are valid, relevant and accessible. Please email your class teacher or Leader of Student Care if you have any questions.


And finally, thank you to all parents and caregivers who have been so involved in your children's learning during this period. We often talk of the partnership that exists between home and school, but these last weeks have added a new facet to the relationship. Learning from home requires many new skills - self motivation and direction, organisation and time management - and it is here where parents are assisting, supporting and encouraging to keep the learning happening. We couldn't do it without you.


Mrs Sally Sparke - Assistant Principal - Curriculum