The competition from Grok started on Monday 11 May and will run until Sunday 14 June. The Web Comp is offered at three levels - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. Some students have already started and are doing well. It is not too late to start so if students are interested, they just need to log into Grok using their Google account and choose the level that suits them.

The Web Comp finishes with a Design Challenge which is voted on by students and teachers all around the world. 


Help is always available by emailing Mrs Munro or by accessing the support offered through Grok.




Year 9 ICT have traditionally used Photoshop to produce a portfolio of work showing their skills at creating and editing content in this well-known piece of software. With remote learning preventing this, the students have been using an online image editor called Photopea. For those familiar with Photoshop, they will see enormous similarities between the two pieces of software. The Year 9s are already producing some great work which they are able to showcase through Stile. 


For anyone looking for access to a great, free image editor then it is worth checking it out.




With lockdown still happening for many students, Mr Munro has come up with some links to activities that might be of interest. 


Year 7, 8, 9, 10 - Grok Learning has a wide range of coding and cyber security activities. Students can log in with their school Google Account. https://groklearning.com/


Years 9, 10 - Thunkable is making fantastic apps with your mobile phone. Sign in with your Google Account. Lots of simple tutorials to follow. https://x.thunkable.com/login 


Years 7, 8 - Code.org is another great site for learning a wide range of IT skills. Sign in with Google and browse the wide range of computer activities. https://studio.code.org/courses


Years 7, 8, 9, 10 - Grasshopper is an app for Android or IOS where you can learn JavaScript on your phone. Instructions on getting started are here https://grasshopper.app/


Years 9, 10 - Codecademy for serious coders, Codecademy has a number of free courses for learning coding and web development. https://www.codecademy.com/learn


Mrs Munro

ICT Teacher