Michael Kan
Richard Long
Lachlan Noble
Michael Kan
Richard Long
Lachlan Noble


The Semester 1 exam period for students in Years 9 - 11 is commencing shortly. As outlined in the previous newsletter, these exams will be done remotely from home. Important information, including the exam timetable, has already been emailed to students. Each exam will be run via a Google Meet - students need to ensure they join at the correct time, have their camera turned on and their microphone muted. Our remote exam program is also an opportunity to reinforce the College’s value of ‘integrity’. All students must ensure the work they submit is their own and has been completed under the conditions outlined by their teacher. Teachers will be providing relevant revision resources in the lead up to exams. We wish all students undertaking exams a productive period of study.  



End-of-semester reports will be available on Compass at the end of Term 2. These reports will include a transcript of all feedback provided via Learning Tasks throughout Semester 1, as well as each student's level of achievement in the Victorian Curriculum (for students in Years 7-10), and whether a student has satisfactorily completed each outcome in a VCE Unit (for students in Years 11 & 12). Please note that due to remote learning, Progress Reports, which are based on classroom observations, will not be done this term.   



On return to school, students are required to be wearing full winter uniform. Jewellery and make-up must not be excessive, and facial piercings are unacceptable. All students must wear traditional leather lace-up shoes which are polished, and the School Blazer must be worn to and from school. 



Please remind your children that our mobile phone policy still applies. We acknowledge that some students might find this difficult after an extended period at home; however, the research is clear - phones distract students from their learning in the classroom.  If students choose to bring their phones to school they must be stored in their locker during the day (secured with a school-provided combination lock).