
Lucie Hill
Library Technician
Well here we are at the end of Term 3. Gosh it goes by so quickly.
The first thing I want to say is thank you to the parents who help keep our school running and growing. Whether it is in the classroom, in a meeting or in the library, you contribute in the best way you know how. And for that, I thank you.
The Scholastic Book Club will be arriving at Kingswood Primary School next term, commencing on the 21st October. The roster has been filled, thanks to Dorit for organising it. I will be away for the first week and a half of next term, but I will return just in time for our Book Fair.
The library is a busy place, and if you ever want to come in and help out for a half hour or so, please feel free. There may be some books to put back on the shelves, or some books to cover. Every little bit of help is most appreciated.
I would like to wish you all a safe and restful break. I will be heading to London to visit my son, and I cannot wait to hold him in my arms. It seems like just yesterday when he was in Prep at Kingswood. Now he is working and living in London.
Looking at the students at Kingswood, I see such wonder and fabulous adventures ahead of them. Here are my 4 words for all of you. Wish, think, believe, and do.
Happy holidays everyone.
Two of our students have written a book review of a new book in the library. Thanks Holly and Noya for your input.
Very Popular Me
Very Popular Me is a super funny book. I think the book was funny because the author wrote it in complete humor, and I couldn’t stop laughing. Sam thinks that being the teacher’s pet sucks, so can you help him be popular again? When the new teacher arrived, Sam had to help her, which made him the teacher’s pet for the rest of the year.
By Holly
Very Popular Me. Get it now!
Punch Lines
Johnny is pleading for Josie’s attention, but Ken is in his way. How will he get her love now?
By Noya