
Aaron Cox
Critical Friend Feedback
Last week, a team of Kingswood staff had the pleasure of sitting down with Victoria’s Education Department Critical Friend Dr. Mary Jean Gallagher, Acting Regional Director Debbie Locco and Area Director Simon Hamilton to discuss Kingswood’s role in system changes for the state in terms of Professional Learning Communities (PLC). This was Dr. Mary Jean’s second visit to the school, and again, feedback provided to the school was extremely positive. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all staff for their unwavering commitment to providing the best education to all students. We are committed to continually refining our practices as ‘we are here for the students’. I would specifically like to congratulate Verity Sheppard for leading the discussion as our PLC Link School Leader.
Workforce Planning 2020
I am excited to announce that we have employed Sharon Lomas from Toorak Primary School and our own Megan Franklyn as English and Mathematics Learning Specialist respectively from 2020. I have no doubt these two leaders will make a formidable team that will develop the teaching and learning capacity for both teachers and students.
School Council
School Council has approved a recommendation to outsource our canteen from 2020. A working party looked at various options moving forward before making a recommendation. The approved provider will oversee healthy food options being prepared onsite on a daily basis three days a week. The company already provides this service to nine other government and independent schools in local suburbs. We look forward to developing a healthy menu in conjunction with our community expectations. Further information will be provided in Term 4. Until then, you can view their website Please click on one of their schools and select the recess and lunch menu to see what they offer those schools.
I would like to thank Kristie Garner for her management of our canteen over the past 6 years. All our children absolutely love Kristie. She has built amazing relationships with students and staff. She will be sorely missed. We wish Kristie success and good fortune in her future adventures.
In further School Council news, Mrs. Helen Evans has decided to resign as School Council President. I would like to thank Helen for her contributions to Kingswood Primary School over the years as a parent, school council member and president. She was instrumental in supporting the school with the development of our performances from 2016 and significantly raised the standards of costuming through her personal contributions, both in time and money, to the school. After her youngest child left the school, she continued in the capacity of a community member of School Council and President. Her good working relationship with me and her efficiency will be missed. We wish Helen all the best. Our Vice President, Mr. Bryan Elliott will step into this role for the remainder of this School Council’s term.
Mathias 5C
Mathias won first prize in the Mental Health Foundation's annual Schools Creative Writing Competition in the Upper Primary Category for his piece 'Silence'. Congratulations Mathias!
Environmental News
Alex Baxter and Elise Hawkins took a group of students to the Kids Teaching Kids conference last week and the feedback about our children was very positive. It warms my heart to know our children have been identified by others as being respectful. Well done to all our children. Alex and Elise held a viewing of the documentary 2040, last Friday night. Feedback from this night was also very positive. I would like to thank Alex and Elise for being so passionate in their pursuit of protecting mother nature.
Finally, I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable break with lots of love and laughter. We will see you back at Kingswood on 7th October to celebrate Richmond’s Grand Final win. Go Tigers!