Principal's News

Mr Rodrigues

 Dear Families,

I am extremely happy to be writing that next week we will see the beginning of our students returning to their classrooms.  What started as a mini lockdown has extended far beyond what we had all hoped.  Whilst great learning has continued from home we must acknowledge the loss of connection in real life and the impact that this can have on all of us. As outlined in our recent emails, our staggered return will begin with our Prep and Year 1 students on Monday 18th October with all students returning on Friday 5th November. I have included the chart below which was communicated via email for your reference. 

Whilst I am confident that our children will quickly re-adjust to learning back at school I can assure you that all our teachers will be very focussed on each child's wellbeing and are conscious that children will need time and support in transitioning back to school.  Once again my sincere thanks for all you have done throughout this period to support your children at home.  I was forwarded this great resource by ne of our parents which is certainly worth watching in relation to 'Supporting primary school children in their return to onsite learning' (You may require a Facebook account to watch it in tis format)

The Royal Children's Hospital, Melbourne 


Student Learning Overviews

At the beginning of each term our teachers complete a Learning Overview for their class which outlines all the areas which will be covered throughout the term. Please find below links to each of these. If you have any questions regarding these please feel free to contact your child's teacher via email.

Junior Overview

Middle Overview

Senior Overview 


MACSSIS School Community Surveys

You all will have received your link including personal pin code to enable you to complete the 2021 School Improvement Survey. I understand that sometimes these things can be just one more thing to do and that even 10 or 20 minutes can be difficult to find. However, it is really important that we have as many of our families represented in this anonymous data so that we can really understand the views of parents and how we can best address these.  Thanks to all those parents who have already completed the survey.


Staff First Aid Training

You will be pleased to know that all staff at Trinity have now completed a very intense and comprehensive first aid course which is part of our ongoing commitment to ensure a safe environment for all members of the Trinity school community.  A big thank you to Mrs Lindy Smith for organizing this for our staff. 


Art Show

Mrs Plackett and the Art Committee have been busy working out a plan which may enable our Art Show to go ahead in some form. I thank them all for their persistence and dedication which should enable our children to showcase at least some of the great artworks they have created this year. 


Prep 2022 Transition

Emails have gone to all our 2022 Prep families with the new dates for our Prep Transition mornings. This is an exciting time for these Kinder students as they begin to think about their journey into Primary School.  


Footy Colours Day - Winner

Congratulations Douglas, Year 4 who chose Melbourne and was the lucky winner of the final draw. Hope you are looking forward to receiving your AFL mini footy in your Team Colours. Douglas supports the Tigers and I am sure he is hoping next year they might be the Premiers. 



Please join us online this Friday afternoon. 

Your child's teacher will share the link through Google Classroom. 


Kind Regards

Mr Nigel Rodrigues 
