Principal’s Message

Mr Nick Baird

Dear Parents and Carers,

This Friday is a special day for our teachers as it is World Teachers Day! I am sure you can all appreciate the amazing work our teachers do here at Sacred Heart each day to help make our school as wonderful as it is. The 2021 school year has obviously once again added an extra dimension to the craft of teaching, but we love it and keep coming back each day for the benefit of each of our students.  Be sure to wish our teachers a happy World Teachers Day this Friday!

On Wednesday this week we are inviting all students to wear crazy socks to school to celebrate Socktober for Catholic Missions. For a gold coin donation, students are able to wear colourful, odd, creative or funky socks with their normal sports uniform. We will also be learning about Catholic Missions during our RE lessons on Wednesday. 

This week students in Years 1 to 6 will be completing their annual PAT Assessments in Reading (Tuesday) and Numeracy (Wednesday). These assessments are completed in class and provide us with a snapshot of data and improvement from the last 12 months. The data will also play a pivotal role in the reflection of our Annual Improvement Plan goal in Reading. There is nothing you will need to do at home to prepare your child for these assessments.

Over the next couple of newsletters, you will see our updated School Uniform and School Leadership Policies. Please take the time to read over these policies and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. The school uniform has been modified as a result of the new policy and from the the PTF and school survey results in Term 2. The biggest change is the introduction of grey shorts and socks for boys in the summer uniform. The switch from blue to grey does not need to take affect until the 2023 school year, however I would encourage all families needing new shorts to purchase grey from now on. We are investigating new sources for uniform distribution that should make it easier to order for families, however in the meantime Ms Traynor will let you know when an order is to be placed.

Special mention to Mrs Howarth who celebrated her birthday yesterday, Samuel Broadhead who turned 6 today and Mrs Darley who celebrates her birthday on Wednesday. 

We hope you have an amazing day!


Have a great week!
