Principal's Report

Whole School Return

Congratulations!!! We are nearing the end of Remote Learning and, although I know it has been tough at times, you have all made it. Such amazing perseverance and commitment. With the wonderful news that all students will be returning to onsite learning from Monday 1st November, we are thrilled to be welcoming back our students and families. We look forward to our students being able to embrace learning onsite, meeting and connecting with their friends and students being able to immerse themselves in all our wonderful programs. As our students return, we have in place routines and procedures that support them returning to school safely. These include wearing masks, introducing specific gates for your child to enter and exit through, maintaining physical distancing between staff and where possible students, and maintaining strong hygiene practices. We also acknowledge that for some students and families, the return to school may also be an anxious time. If your child is feeling nervous, please contact your classroom teacher or myself to discuss your concerns and we will try to put your mind at ease.


Happy World Teachers' Day - Friday 29 October 2021

This Friday is World Teacher’s Day, and I would like to acknowledge the outstanding work our teachers have done over the past two years to educate, motivate, support, and inspire our students at BHPS. Friday is an opportunity to celebrate teachers and the passion that they bring to their role. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) established World Teacher’s Day in 1994 to recognise the role of teachers in our community. This year, the day is an opportunity for staff, students, and the wider school community to recognise how teaching has extended beyond the classroom in maintaining connections through Remote Learning. 


It is an opportunity for our community to say 'thank you' and celebrate the achievements and leadership of teachers. It is an opportunity to take a moment to recognise the passion of teachers and how all staff have done a mammoth effort in supporting your children through the last two years. During these challenging times, it’s never been more important to recognise the fantastic work of our BHPS staff. I know you will join me in saying a huge thank you to our staff at Boronia Heights for their amazing dedication and perseverance during this time. 


School Activities

Many of our school activities can now go-ahead full steam.  Teachers are working on reorganising incursions and excursions so our students can return to school with some wonderful celebrations to look forward to. All details will be posted on Compass in the coming weeks. 


Hats required in Term 4

Please remember to send your child with their hat this term.


New Gates

Please note that all gates will automatically open at 8:30am in the mornings and lock at 4:15pm in the afternoon.  They will also be locked during the day for the safety and security of our students.  The main front gate at the school will be open all day for parents and visitors to enter and report to the front office.


School Values

Thank you to those parents who have returned their responses to the BHPS Values Survey, this is a good opportunity to have a voice in the renaming of the values that you think we should prioritise and the values that are important to you and your family.  These responses will be collated with the students and staff, and then a final decision will be made.  The survey closes on Monday 8th November. 


Prep Transition

It will be wonderful to have our 2022 Preps onsite for their transition on Monday 8th November.  We look forward to welcoming students and their parents on such an important day.  More information will be sent out shortly. If you haven’t picked up your child’s special t-shirt, we have them at the office waiting for you to pick up. 


It is great to see the students as they are gradually transitioning back to school.  A school filled with happy kids …there is nothing better!!


Take care and enjoy the sunshine!


Leanne Jennings
