From the Deputy Principal


This week has been a celebration of community and of our young people.  As we farewell our Year Twelves it has been heartwarming to see an outpouring of respect and gratitude.


In recognition of our graduating class we have seen heartfelt thank yous in House meetings, reflections on memories in our final Senior School Assembly, gifts for our leaders and just a few tears!  Thank you, each and every one of our Valedictorians, for your warmth, energy and commitment to the School, you are a vital part of our community.


One of the best reminders about the students' journey through GSG and their growth from Junior School through to their final school days at school is reflected in letters written by our Year Ones to the Year Twelves.  I couldn't resist sharing just a couple just a couple of examples here.  

And the joy of a school community is that as we farewell our student leaders from Year Twelve, we welcome a new group of leaders in to share their talents with us.  On Wednesday morning I had the pleasure of sharing breakfast with our outgoing school leaders, Elijah Wesley and Chloe Trend; and welcoming our new School Captains, Ellie Slatter and Andrew Smith. They shared ideas, insights and inspirations for what promises to be an exciting new chapter for our school.  I extend a sincere thank you to Chloe and Elijah for their service to the school and warmly welcome Ellie and Andrew. 


Mrs Emma Franklin | Deputy Principal