Boronia Group
Yvonne, Alyson, Beena and Julie.
Boronia Group
Yvonne, Alyson, Beena and Julie.
A new term brought about new adventures and learning opportunities for the children in Boronia Group. The children have continued to get to know each other in the group through play and learning experiences and are beginning to develop peer group friendships. At the start of term, the Olympic Games provided much inspiration for exploring how we can move our bodies around the kinder. As a group we set up some challenging obstacle courses – developing our spatial awareness and our gross motor skills. The children took time to create their own medals. As the seasons have changed from Autumn to Winter, we noticed how the tree in the yard has now lost all of its leaves.
Building on working together and learning, we have spent time this term exploring, investigating and discovering what happens when we mix different ingredients together. We have done simple science investigations - melting ice using droppers and small jars, creating Ooblek goo (cornflour and water) and outdoor slime. We looked at magnetic tile builders and why they stick to each other to create constructions, colour mixing and mini volcanoes. These provided opportunities for discussions, questions and inquiring minds to develop and grow.
Part of our role play area this term -Billabong Campsite - has been set up with natural elements (sticks, leaves, pine cones etc), materials and texture mats, along with pillows, native Australian animals and cooking utensils. Using these as provocations, the children develop language, communication, imagination and social skills. The campsite was a very popular space this term. It evolved into a quiet space for reading books and puppet story play. The ‘traditional’ home corner kitchen set up has evolved into different settings - a kitchen and a café - building on the imaginative play by the children. The Boronia children have continually gained confidence in their abilities to engage in a variety of learning opportunities both inside the kindergarten room and in the yard during outdoor play. We continued to focus on our personal space and learning, talking about and identifying our emotions.
Midway during the term 3, we moved to remote learning due to changing COVID restrictions. The children have stayed connected during zoom calls – listening to stories, taking part in science and seeing each-other.
Boronia housekeeping bits and pieces:
If any of your contact details have changed, please let us know.
We look forward to seeing you all again in Term 4.
Bye for now, Yvonne, Alyson, Beena and Julie.