Deputy Principal / 

Religious Education News 



Deputy Principal News:

Saturday 5th December
Saturday 5th December

A reminder that we need volunteers for the Bunnings Sausage Sizzle on Saturday 5th.

We need people for the following roles/times. We need 5 people per shift or we are not allowed to operate! Due to Covid there are 5 specific roles at all times. 

We need the following:

8:00am - 9:00am greeter, collector

10:00am - 11:00am  collector

1:00pm-2:00pm cook, greeter  

4:00pm and Pack up:    order   

Please let me know if you can assist. Thanks, Jenny Del Prete


Year 5/6 Camp

A special note will be sent home to students who require medication on camp.  


Religious Education News:


The Sacrament of Reconciliation for Catholic students in Year 3 will be held on Thursday 26th November at 7:00pm.


The Sacrament of First Eucharist will be held on Sunday 6th December at midday mass. We can have up to 150 people inside the church.


Year 6 Graduation will be held on Thursday 10th December at 7:00pm. 

We will be celebrating graduation with a special mass in Sacred Heart church. 2020 Year 5 students are required to attend in school uniform as they are a part of 'the handover process'. School Captains for 2021 will be announced on this night. We can have up to 150 people inside the church.


Advent 2020


Here is an excerpt from Catholic Education Melbourne online news by Marg Waldeck.


The pandemic has taught us many lessons. The importance of human contact, the need for community. It taught us the lesson of being a neighbour, checking in, leaving a kindness on a doorstep, making the effort to smile even if it is behind a mask. When we pray Advent this year, we can make Jesus present to nurture a deep hope in the life of the world to come. The hope of Advent that is filled with the grace of God, that fires us up to be a eucharistic people filled with life and joy.

My old Irish grandmother used to have a prayer for everything she did. Prayer for laying the fire, prayer for making a cup of tea, prayer for sweeping the floor. She said it reminded her that prayer is not just words, but the very actions you take to show love to family, friend and stranger.

In 2020 we can pray Advent in action to renew our desire for the second coming, by making Jesus visible to those we encounter in the everyday. Like the gift awaiting you under the tree, eagerly unwrap the greatest gift we have ever been given and be the face of Christ, the life of the world to come, hope.

Advent 2020 begins on Sunday 29 November and ends on Thursday 24 December.