Spotlight on Learning

Visual Arts Display - November 2020

As you know, due to COVID restrictions, we were unable to present our much anticipated 2020 St James Art Show.

However I am excited to announce that the Art Show Committee has organised an alternative that complies with current rules and allows us to showcase our students creativity within the Visual Arts.

During Week Six, which commences  Monday November 9, we will be celebrating the creativity of all our St James students within the curriculum area of the Visual Arts. We will be presenting this artwork via two methods.

Firstly, we are presenting a Virtual Art Display, where families will be able to access images of every student proudly holding a piece of their own artwork. Then we are also putting up displays of a wide variety of other artworks - art pieces completed within the Art Room, their classroom or during Remote Learning. These will be on display in classrooms and in shared spaces around our school. As parents will be unable to see these displays, families will also be able to watch a Virtual Tour of all this amazing artwork, from home in your own time.

Therefore the Visual Arts are indeed alive and well at St James, we just had to modify our approach this year!  I hope that you all take the opportunity to view our talented students’ artwork.


Thanking you 

Anne Gleeson, Visual Arts teacher.

Sports Day 2020

What a fantastic day we had on Friday celebrating our St James 2020 Sports Day! While it was a little different to previous years, the students' terrific attitude and sportsmanship ensured a great day was had by all! Special thanks to our Year 6 leaders who did an excellent job of running the events and ensuring the day ran smoothly. Congratulations to all students on their efforts, particularly Durkin house who finished the day with a win!

There are many more photos on the Students' Landing Page.  Get your child to log into Google with their school account and then click on 'PHOTOS' in the top right corner.


Claire Feild

Physical Education Teacher


Year 6 Reflections- 

Friday was lots of fun and great work to Durkin for the win! Everyone worked so hard and we are so proud of everyone's efforts. Thanks to Mrs Feild for making this possible during the pandemic -  we couldn't do it without you. Another thank to the teachers, LSO’s and the Year 6’s for making sure every event ran well. Friday was a great day and everyone looked great in their colours.  Even though we couldn't  go to the track everyone still had a smile on their faces and had an exciting time!

School Sports Captains - Jai Ramsdale & Hannah Dalton


The whole school felt great as Mrs Feild started our Sports Day. Everyone was dressed up in their team colours, with some people wearing face paint, wigs, hair spray and many other wacky costumes. The Year 6s looked ridiculous in their blow up coloured suits. I was lucky enough to be in the 400m and the circular relay. It was great to get the win in the relay and be part of the overall winning team, Durkin. A great way to finish our twilight sports journey. 

Gabby (6C)


Twilight sports was really fun because we got to do exciting activities. Even though it was different from the other years, we all still had fun because we were with our friends.  Personally, one of my favourite events was the Year 6 Fun Run because all the year sixers had to put on tutus and funny hats, everyone thought it was very funny! 

Noah (6B)


Last Friday we competed in a twilight sports competition during the day at school. The bonus was that we got to miss a day of school to play all day. Unfortunately Coghlan couldn’t be the winning team, however 5 out of 7 years is not bad! As Year sixes we were responsible for assisting all of the year levels in their different events. My job was to decide the order for the sprints. The best part about this job was seeing the students so happy to receive their 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cards. When there was a close finish we checked the ipad to decide who won. My favourite event was the novelty event. The contestants had a laugh and so did the audience. I was very glad we still got to have this event. 

Angus (6C)