
This week from 8-15th of November is NAIDOC Week, the week is generally celebrated in July each year, though the celebrations have been shifted to November in 2020 due to COVID-19.

Students will be undertaking some activities in classes at school, and I would encourage families to visit the NAIDOC website and explore their online celebrations, events and activities. 


The Melbourne Museum is also hosting special virtual events to celebrate this important week: 


 Link for the colouring in page: 


Please take some time this week to relax and have a go at the NAIDOC 2020 colouring in poster. Art is a very good way to practise self-care leading in to the busy end of the year. 

Photos of artwork can be taken and emailed to kcouchman18@hamiltoncollege.vic.edu.au - there may be some special prizes for students who undertake this activity. 


NAIDOC WEEK 2020 Colouring Activity




Kate Couchman

School Counsellor