Associate Principal, Operations Report

This week has seen the commencement of the VCE written examination period.  Due to the coronavirus, the exam period is a little later this year and the first papers sat were English and English as an Additional Language on Wednesday.  By the end of today (Thursday), four subjects will have seen their exams completed and the first of our students to complete all their papers will finish early next week. Examinations, however, continue until 1 December and students will receive their results on 30 December.  Hopefully, they provide a good reason to celebrate New Year’s Eve the next day!


I draw your attention to the notice later in this Newsletter from our School Nurses. I ask for your support in ensuring that we provide as healthy an environment for our Year 12 students to complete these important examinations.


Whilst statistics suggest the chances of one of our students contracting the virus might be low, there are other “bugs” around also.  Many of these exhibit cold or flu like symptoms.  In such cases, we are required to treat the situation as being COVID-related until the student fully recovers AND has a negative COVID-test.


All school families and students can assist the Year 12s by ensuring that the essentials of good hygiene are followed: hand washing and using sanitiser; social distancing; and wearing masks.  I am concerned that too many students seem to think a token attempt to wear the mask, or to pretend they are still eating or drinking, is clever.  It’s not and it may lead to one of our senior students missing an exam because a “bug” – COVID or other -  was passed to them.


I ask parents to assist us by ensuring that students are wearing masks and following other health requirements at all times.


Thank you.


School Camps

Please note that any family seeking exemption from school outdoor camps should direct their requests to the Principal. Year 10 plans are being finalised for 2021 as promoted by Mr Alexander and, at this time, Dr Hirst understands that all students will attend. 


Neil MacLean

Associate Principal, Operations