Vaping is a significant health issue with young people.
As such, we as a school have organised an education session around the issues of vaping for our students. These education sessions will address some of the vaping myths and deceptive nature of the vaping industry and leave you and your children better equipped to discuss vaping and the health problems associated with vaping.
On Thursday 27th and Friday 28th April, the ‘Teen Challenge’ organisation will be presenting a vaping seminar to year 7-12 students at Ballarat High School.
The seminar has been presented at schools throughout Australia. It delivers a powerful message about the risks associated with vaping.
As part of these sessions there will also be an online parent webinar conducted prior to the student sessions, on Wednesday 26th April.
Further information confirming the time and registration method for the online parent session and student sessions will be released when confirmed.
If you do not wish your child/children to attend for any reason, please advise the student’s Team Leader via phone or email.
What Parents have said about the Vaping Information Webinar.
“Loved it all - well organised and presented and supported all questions and queries”
“Presenter spoke really well, with a good mixture of facts, statistics, as well as visuals”
“Excellent presentation for making people aware of the dangers.”
“Thoroughly enjoyed the presentation & way you presented it. It was one of those presentations that I could have listened to for much longer than the hour.”
“Fantastic presentation, the time went too quickly and I was very engaged throughout the whole session.”