Indigenous Education


This term we have been in the process of commencing our journey to be a FIRE Carrier school. The aim of the FIRE (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) Carrier Project is to promote respect, fairness and inclusion for Aboriginal people. The FIRE Carrier Project promotes enculturation and reconciliation in schools. 


This week in collaboration with the FIRE Carrier leaders (Izack and Evie) we created goals that we wanted to achieve to continue to develop our Indigenous representation and reconciliation within our school.


Some of the goals we will be working towards to achieve are to use Indigenous prayers and songs during liturgies and assemblies, use clapping sticks and message stick during liturgies and assemblies, display indigenous language maps in all classrooms, build a collection of Indigenous Literature in the school library, fly Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flag, engage with First Nations Artists to develop artwork to display around our school, develop staffs knowledge through professional learning andusing Woi Wurrung language in lessons.