From the Principal

Nicholas Boyhan

Daylight Savings Ends Sunday

At 3.00 am this Sunday, 2 April daylight saving ends and the clocks go back an hour.



Dear Parents and Carers,


This Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, the most significant week in the Christian Calendar.  It begins with Palm Sunday which celebrates Christ's Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem.  On Holy Thursday we remember Jesus washing the feet of his apostles prior to celebrating the Passover meal with them. On Good Friday we commemorate Jesus commending His spirit to His Father on the cross at Calvary.  On Sunday we celebrate Jesus's resurrection from the dead and the promise of new life he offers to all of us.


Holy Week Liturgies


Beginning Tuesday, we will celebrate a short liturgy each morning at our assembly focusing on the events of Holy Week.  The Juniors will be leading off with a focus on Palm Sunday.


End of Term Assembly


On Thursday morning at 8:45am we will be having our Whole School Assembly.  This will be an action packed assembly with an Easter Bonnet Parade, drawing the Easter Raffle and The Year Six Leaders and SRC Reps will be presented with their badges.  We will also be presenting certificates for the children who are our Students of the week. We would warmly welcome all of our families to attend if they can.


Student Representative Council (SRC)


Last week we held our first SRC Meeting for 2023. Each class sent two representatives to a meeting with Katie Vranken and myself.  Their role is to represent the views of their class on how we can make our great school even better.  Katie and I were very impressed with how clearly the children were able to communicate their ideas.  As this was our first meeting, the focus was really on how the meetings run and the roles each person plays in the meeting.  As the year progresses, you will be able to read in the newsletter a report from the School Captains on the work of the group and the achievements they have made.


End of Term Thursday at 3:00pm


Term One will come to an end on Thursday 6 April at the regular time of 3:00pm.  We are finishing on Thursday as the next day is Good Friday and a Public Holiday.  Term Two commences for students on Wed 26 April at 8:45am.  Staff will be returning on Monday 24 April and will be engaging in professional learning, focusing on Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL), assesment and planning.  This seemed an opportune moment to schedule a Pupil Free Day, as bringing students back for one day before ANZAC Day would have been quite disjointed.


Best wishes for a restful weekend,

